
Monday, December 2, 2013

Journal One- Who am I?

 My Life from This Day Forward will be written here line for line...But as all stories we must begin in the beginning:

Not many people know that there are aliens out there among the stars. Ha I come from a planet known as Vestal...but who am I you wonder. I laugh at your ignorance, I am Spectra Phantom, Leader of the Vexos. Me and my dragon Helios have demolished fool after fool who dared to stand against us. My ruthless fighting style earned me the name "Glacial Blaze" because of my ruthlessness and imposing figure.
I don't usually show many images of myself...I love to remain a mystery to all those around me. But for this little blog I will make an exception. My right hand man Gus asked me why I am doing this well...its simple really I want those Bakugan Battle Brawlers Resistance Fools to know who I am. I will get to them in a minute but first I must allow my mind to wander. Huh, Great its that little spoiled brat Prince Hydron. Must I forever put up with the little ingrate. He is once again throwing a childish tantrum. He wants his little toy Drago...humph. The little brat if only he knew my plans to crush him like an insect. But duty calls as a loyal Vexos, I must do as he wishes. Ha...Ha...I am still amazed at how easy the word loyal rolls off my tongue, lies on top of lies and on top of deceit. Brace yourselves all is not as it seems. But I wasn't always like this...not always, but things change.

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